Shop Hookah or Bar at Hookah

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 Do you have a chicha shop or bar at Hookah ? Are you looking for a wholesaler Hookah or a supplier of charcoal for your supplies? offers you a wide range of quality shisha for professionals and retailers. If you order in large quantities, you will benefit from special rates. To do so, simply fill in the following fields and confirm! Your customer account will allow you to place orders, track the status of your orders, create product alerts and take advantage of our promotional offers.
Livraison express en 24h

Free 24h delivery

Take advantage of free 24h delivery from 600€HT of purchase anywhere in France¹ on the date of your choice - The most efficient carriers are at your service!

Plus de 5000 références disponibles.

More than 4000 references online

Choose from a wide range of products and get access to the biggest brands on the market.

sales made to measure

Access wholesale prices and sales dedicated to professionals. Smoking products sold on are among the cheapest on the market.

Paiement sécurisé pour vos achats

Secure payment

Choose the payment that suits you best: Secure credit card payment, bank transfer or direct debit.

Hookah Tsar
Hookah Oduman
Hookah Dud
Hookah Kaya
Pierre at Hookah Shiazo
Coal Hookah Three Kings
Coal Hookah Tom Cococha
Hookah Unity
Hookah Aanoxx
Coal Hookah Cocobrico
Pierre Hookah Bigg
Hookah Aladin
Vase Hookah Sheecool
Hookah Mya
Hookah Hooky Electronics
Coal Hookah Belgian Charcoal

Your wholesaler Hookah online is the n°1 online supplier of chichas and tobacco Hookah for resellers !

Discover the advantages of ordering online at - you will have access to a wide range of products, low prices and fast delivery.

Range hookahs shop


Wholesaler Hookah - Buy from the best brands at Hookah at the best price

You will find in wholesale the models of chichas impossible to circumvent like the DUM chichas Hookah Tsar, Amy Deluxe or Kaya whose quality is recognized by all professionals and smokers of Hookah. You can also buy more original models in our online shop.


Wholesale coal - Mistersmoke, your wholesale coal supplier

Visit to place your orders forHookah Accessoriesand buy natural coal Hookah natural coal in bulk as well as your Coal Heaters at very competitive prices.
From fresh coco to the famous Three Kings charcoal, our online shop offers you the best of Hookah at wholesale prices.

Tobacco sales Hookah and blunts wholesale tobacconist


Wholesale tobacco Hookah - Order your tobacco directly online at Hookah & blunts

Vente de tabac à chicha et blunts pour les professionnels directement en ligne. Retrouvez en quelques clics les marques de tabac à chicha Adalya,  5Dubaï, Layalina, Nakhla & Redgies
Découvrez également notre gamme de goût à chicha sans tabac comme le Cloud One, le ShishaVaping et bien d’autres encore…

Wholesaler Hookah, preferential reseller rates

Notre boutique en ligne s’adresse notamment aux boutiques chicha et bars à narguilé, salons avec des tarifs spéciaux. Nous proposons des narguilés à moins de 5€ ou encore du charbon naturel chicha en gros. Ces tarifs préférentiels s’appliquent également aux accessoires chicha, au tabac et goûts pour chicha, le charbon etc. Si vous êtes revendeur ou professionnel de la chicha, nos tarifs devraient vous intéresser.

¹Conditions valid for metropolitan France, subject to working days and traffic hazards. Free delivery in mainland France for orders over €600 excluding VAT. Place your orders directly on our website or by telephone on 03 20 90 56 55 (price of a national call). Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5pm. You can also place your order by e-mail at the following address: