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Buy a cheap grinder in 3 clicks

The grinder is a must-have accessory for anyone wishing to crush weed or CBD efficiently and evenly. In France, this tool is becoming increasingly popular, especially with the rise in consumption of CBD and other hemp-based products.

Our grinders are available in a wide range of materials, sizes and budgets.

Looking for a reliable and convenient way to grind your herbs or tobacco? Look no further than our selection of high-quality herb grinders. Our shop specializing in smoker's accessories offers a wide range of models: metal, plastic or even an electric grinder, you're sure to find the perfect grinder for your needs.

So why wait? Buy your weed grinder now at the best price and start crumbling today!

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Wooden grinder

Buddies Grinder Brush

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plastic grinder

Grinder Medtainer Hornet

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metal grinder

Grinder watch

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Votre grinder pour cbd pas cher, livré rapidement

Avec l'essor du CBD ces dernières années, le monde du grinder a évolué en proposant des broyeurs toujours plus efficaces et pratiques. Cette petite machine, généralement de forme circulaire est avant tout conçue pour hacher finement de l'herbe. Appelé aussi "moulin à herbe", le grinder se décline en format avec une manivelle, électrique ou encore différents étages avec filtres pour n'en perdre aucune miette, le grinder offre différentes options en fonction des besoins de vos besoins.

On our online store, you will find :

  • The metal grinder The toughest of them all! The metal grinder is heavy and robust, and generally offers better grinding quality. It is often fitted with a polinator filter.
  • The Wooden grinder The simplest of all, but authentic.
  • The plastic grinder The most economical. Acrylic grinders come in a multitude of colors and designs. The perfect way to treat yourself at a low price!
  • The electric grinder Very easy to use, the electric grinder runs on batteries and does the work for you in just a few seconds.
  • Le grinder card : Contrairement aux autres modèles, ce dernier n'est pas de forme ronde mais similaire à une carte de crédit ! Il est le plus discret de tous et se glisse dans votre porte-feuille.

Ces modèles se déclinent ensuite en différents diamètres et nombres de parties. Certains sont équipés d'un récupérateur de pollen, particulièrement utile pour constituer du "kief" destiné à être consommé avec un bang ou être vaporisé. Enfin, leur diamètre varie de 30 mm pour les plus petits et plus discret à plus de 9 cm pour le grinder XXL !

Mistersmoke vous propose une gamme complète au prix le plus bas. A bas prix, mais surtout livré très vite. Une fois votre commande passée, nous la préparons le jour même (si passée avant 15h) et elle quittera nos entrepôts le soir même. De plus, la livraison est gratuite à partir de 60€ d'achat, de quoi ajouter quelques feuilles longues, un briquet ou d'autres accessoires fumeurs à votre commande.


grinder weed

Pour une expérience optimale avec vos fleurs de CBD, choisir le grinder idéal est essentiel, et notre boutique en ligne vous propose les meilleurs sur le marché.

Nos grinders en métal, conçus en aluminium ou en acier inoxydable, sont parfaits pour ceux qui recherchent durabilité et efficacité. Ils assurent une mouture précise et homogène, vous permettant ainsi de profiter pleinement des bienfaits du CBD.

Faciles à nettoyer et conçus pour durer, nos grinders métalliques viennent également avec des options comme des des tamis pour récupérer le kief (pollen) et ainsi profiter de tous les bienfaits qu'offre la fleur de CBD.

Profitez de notre livraison rapide pour commencer à tirer le meilleur de vos fleurs de CBD dès que possible.

acheter le bon grinder pour broyer vos fleurs de cbd

Toutes les réponses à vos questions

What is a grinder?

A grinder is a tool used to grind dried herbs (weed) into a fine powder. It usually consists of two or three parts (sometimes more), with teeth on the upper part that rotate and grind the weed as you turn the lower part. Some grinders also feature a sieve (filter) to catch the kief contained in the cannabis.

How to use a grinder?

To use a grinder, place your dried herbs in the upper part and turn the lower part to rotate the teeth and grind the herbs into a fine powder. You can then remove the top part to collect your ground herb powder for smoking in a joint, blunt, bong or vaporizer.

What types of grinder are there?

There are several types of grinder, each with its own characteristics and advantages. The main types of grinder are:

Metal grinder: This type of grinder is often made of aluminum, stainless steel or titanium. They are generally more durable than other types of grinders and offer superior grinding quality. Metal grinders can be two-, three- or four-piece.

Plastic grinder: Plastic grinders are often less expensive than metal grinders and are lighter. However, they can be less durable and less effective for grinding herbs. Plastic grinders are also available in two-, three- or four-piece versions.

Wooden grinders: Wooden grinders are often made from hardwoods such as teak, rosewood or mahogany. They are often more aesthetically pleasing than other types of grinder, but can be less durable and less effective for grinding grasses. Wooden grinders are generally two- or three-piece.

Electric grinder: Electric grinders are powered by a battery or electric motor. They are often more expensive than other types of grinder, but can offer superior grinding quality and be more convenient for people with dexterity problems.

Manual grinder : Manual grinders are operated by hand and are often available in two or three pieces. They are generally less expensive than electric grinders and are more convenient for travel.

Silicone grinder: Silicone grinders are soft and flexible, making them more durable than other types of grinder. They are also waterproof and easy to clean.

Sieve grinder (or Pollinator Grinder ): Sieve grinders have a third chamber with a sieve to collect fine dust particles. They are often more expensive than other types of grinder, but can offer superior grinding quality.

Ultimately, the choice of grinder type will depend on your personal preferences, budget and herb grinding needs.

What are the different types of teeth on a grinder?

Each grinder has a different quality of finish. Clearly, metal grinders are more durable, sharper and more effective than wooden ones, for example. But the material of a grinder isn't the only factor to consider. If you opt for a grinder with spikes, these will mainly separate your herbs, tobacco or other materials, but won't cut them as effectively as a grinder with diamond-shaped teeth, for example. Each corner of the diamond (especially when metal) is sharpened, and acts like a knife to cut your tobacco more efficiently. The diamond-toothed grinder is the most widely used, as it is considered the most effective for crumbling heads.

How do I clean a grinder?

To clean a grinder, you can use a toothbrush to remove fine powder residues between the teeth. You can also use isopropyl alcohol to clean grinder parts thoroughly.

How much does a grinder cost?

The cost of a grinder depends on quality and size. Basic grinders can cost less than 10 euros, while top-of-the-range models can cost several hundred euros.

How to choose the right grinder size?

The size of the grinder depends on the quantity of herbs you wish to grind in a single operation. If you regularly grind large quantities of herbs, you may opt for an XXL grinder. For occasional use, a small grinder may suffice.

How can you tell if a grinder is good quality?

A good quality grinder should be robust, easy to use and clean. It should also be made from durable materials such as aluminum, stainless steel or titanium.

How can you tell if your grinder is worn?

A worn grinder can be difficult to turn and may produce uneven herb powder. Teeth may be worn or broken, affecting grinding quality. If you notice these signs, it may be time to replace your grinder.

How do I clean a sticky grinder?

If your grinder is sticky, you can clean it by placing it in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Then remove frozen herbs and fine powder residues with a toothpick or small toothbrush.

How can I make the grinder run more smoothly?

If your grinder is difficult to turn, you can try lubricating the parts with a little vegetable or olive oil. You can also clean the grinder to remove any residues that may impede rotation.

How do I use a grinder for CBD cannabis?

To use a cannabis grinder, place your dried cannabis buds in the upper part and turn the lower part to grind the buds into a fine powder. You can then remove the top part to recover your ground cannabis powder.

How can you make your grinder more efficient?

To make your grinder more efficient, you can grind herbs in several stages, turning the grinder at each stage to grind the herbs into a fine powder. You can also use a higher-quality grinder with sharper teeth and better-fitting parts.

How can I remove the smell of cannabis from my grinder?

If you want to remove the smell of cannabis from your grinder, you can clean it with isopropyl alcohol. You can also add a little baking soda to the cleaning to neutralize odors.

How to choose the best grinder for cbd cannabis?

The best grinder for cannabis depends on your needs and budget. Metal grinders are often more durable and efficient, while plastic grinders can be cheaper and lighter. You can also consider features such as size, number of parts and grinding quality.

How do I clean a wooden grinder?

To clean a wooden grinder, you can use a damp cloth to wipe away fine powder residues and stains. You can also use wood oil to moisturize the wood and keep it in good condition.

How do I clean a magnetic grinder?

To clean a magnetic grinder, you can remove the top and bottom parts and clean them with isopropyl alcohol. You can also use a small toothbrush to clean fine powder residues from between the teeth.

How can I make my grinder last longer?

To ensure that your grinder lasts longer, it's important to treat it with care and maintain it regularly. Here are a few tips to help you extend the life of your grinder:

Avoid overloading your grinder: If you put too many herbs in your grinder, it can damage the teeth and threads, which can make grinding more difficult and less effective.

Clean your grinder regularly: Regular cleaning will keep your grinder working properly and lasting longer. You can clean your grinder by dismantling it and washing it in hot, soapy water, or by using a specially formulated grinder cleaner.

Avoid leaving your grinder in the heat: High temperatures can affect the material properties of your grinder, especially if it's made of plastic or wood. Avoid leaving your grinder in the sun or near heat sources.

Use your grinder with care: Avoid dropping it or banging it against hard surfaces, as this can damage the teeth and threads.

Use a grinder suited to your needs: If you need to grind harder or larger herbs, use a grinder that is suitable for these types of herbs. Using the wrong grinder can damage the teeth and threads, which can shorten the life of your grinder.

By following these simple tips, you can extend the life of your grinder and enjoy it for years to come.

tous nos conseils grinder


BUY THE BEST GRINDER Discover our selection to choose the best grinder. Depending on your needs [read more]

History of the Grinder : The origins of this essential accessory for weed lovers!

Le Grinder est un accessoire simple d’utilisation mais tellement essentiel aux consommateurs de cbd ![lire la suite]

Est-ce légal d’acheter un grinder en France ?

Le grinder est un accessoire couramment utilisé par les fumeurs pour broyer les herbes, notamment[lire la suite]

5 mistakes you shouldn't make with your Grinder

Si tu es ici, c’est que tu as probablement un Grinder entre les mains ou[lire la suite]

Mistersmoke, la boutique en ligne où acheter le meilleur grinder pour votre CBD

Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un moyen efficace d'effriter votre herbe ou votre CBD, le grinder est l'accessoire qu'il vous faut. Facile à utiliser, pratique et efficace, il est devenu un must-have pour tous les amateurs de produits à base de chanvre en France. Découvrez notre sélection sur notre site d'accessoires fumeur et trouvez le grinder parfait pour vos besoins !

Notre boutique en ligne est spécialisée dans la vente d'accessoires pour fumeurs. Vous retrouverez ainsi un large choix de grinder au meilleur prix. Du broyeur classique et pas cher au plus original, du grinder polinator et même électrique, vous trouverez forcément votre bonheur parmi les meilleurs grinders par catégorie. Nous vous garantissons une livraison rapide en 24-48h.

Mistersmoke, Grinder wholesale dealer for professionals

Notre boutique en ligne propose la vente de grinder en lot aux professionnels. Vous êtes buraliste, vous avez une boutique ou vous êtes hypergrossiste ? Nous vous proposons les meilleurs tarifs de gros et une livraison en 24h.
N'attendez plus, inscrivez-vous !


Vous êtes un buraliste ou un professionnel (alimentation générale, détaillant ou autre commerçant) et souhaitez proposer ces produits à vos clients ? Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez acheter des Grinders en gros. En effet, notre site est fournisseur de produits pour fumeurs depuis 2007. Nous livrons dans toute la France (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, etc) en 24h express mais également en Europe (Belgique, Allemagne, Luxembourg, etc).

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