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Rolling sheets

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Rolling sheets from major brands: OCB cheap, Smoking, Sensky, Gizeh, Rizla at the best price on Mistersmoke!

Mistersmoke, votre fournisseur de feuille à rouler OCB Slim, Raw, Gizeh, Sensky, Smoking, et d’autres grandes marques. Achetez votre papier à rouler au meilleur prix et profitez de notre livraison 24h !

the best brands of rolling papers

Rolling sheet Raw
Sensky rolling papers
the bulldog amsterdam
zig zag papier à rouler

The different rolling sheets:

  • Feuille slim This is the largest rolling sheet. Also known as "King Size Slim", it measures around 110 mm in length. The best-known is without doubt the OCB Slim. As it is mainly used for rolling cones or Hookah seals, it is also available in a Booklet with integrated toncar (cardboard filters).
  • Short leaf The standard format of this rolling foil is the most widely used by smokers of rolled cigarettes. All brands offer a short leaf. Among the most popular are Gizeh regular and SMK.
  • Sheet rolls (in rolls): The best way to choose the length of your cone or cigarette. This sheet, with an average total length of 4 meters, is packaged in a cardboard box with a serrated edge for easy cutting.
  • Pre-rolled cone The pre-rolled cone is ideal for saving time: all you need to do is fill it! It comes pre-rolled with an integrated toncar filter and is available in several sizes, including the XXL cone. The RAW brand is the market leader.
  • Blunt leaf Blunt is simply a dried natural tobacco leaf used as rolling paper. Today, many brands like Juicy Jay's offer hemp blunt, which is cheaper, smoother and just as high-quality.

43 avis
4.8372093023256 sur 5
381 avis
4.7270341207349 sur 5
85 avis
4.7882352941176 sur 5

Short sheets

Sensky Regular

285 avis
4.7087719298246 sur 5

Short sheets

SMK Regular X25

44 avis
4.8863636363636 sur 5
32 avis
4.9375 sur 5
6 avis
5 out of 5
13 avis
4.4615384615385 sur 5
43 avis
4.906976744186 out of 5

Short sheets

Ocb Bio

30 avis
4.7333333333333 out of 5
29 avis
4.9310344827586 out of 5

Slim sheets

OCB Slim x 50

69 avis
4.6521739130435 sur 5
18 avis
4.83333333333333333333333 out of 5

Slim sheets

OCB Slim Premium

26 avis
4.9230769230769 out of 5
56 avis
4.7678571428571 sur 5
19 avis
4.8947368421053 of 5

Slim sheets

unbleached CBO

31 avis
4.8709677419355 sur 5
15 avis
5 out of 5
121 avis
4.9173553719008 sur 5
18 avis
5 out of 5
4 avis
5 out of 5
0 avis
0 sur 5
4 avis
4.25 out of 5
10 avis
4.6 out of 5

Short sheets

OCB White n°4

6 avis
4.6666666666667 out of 5

Short sheets

Sensky short sheet

51 avis
4.82 sur 5

Slim sheets

Sensky Slim

42 avis
4.7857142857143 of 5
15 avis
4.6 out of 5
2 avis
5 out of 5
9 avis
4.7777777777778 out of 5
69 avis
4.7971014492754 sur 5
28 avis
4.5714285714286 out of 5
4 avis
4.75 out of 5
22 avis
4.818181818181818 of 5
14 avis
5 out of 5
0 avis
0 sur 5

Slim sheets + tips

Box OCB slim tips

14 avis
4.9285714285714 sur 5
7 avis
5 out of 5

Sheets in rolls

Box of 24 Sensky Rolls

30 avis
3.7333333333333 sur 5
31 avis
4.741935483871 out of 5

Slim sheets

Rizla Micron

5 avis
5 out of 5
37 avis
4.6756756756757 sur 5
0 avis
0 sur 5

Sheets in rolls

Ocb Rolls

24 avis
4.9583333333333 of 5
14 avis
4.1428571428571 out of 5

Short sheets

Giza Paper

12 avis
4.83333333333333333333333 out of 5
41 avis
4.7560975609756 sur 5
8 avis
5 out of 5
5 avis
5 out of 5
0 avis
0 sur 5

Find a wide range of rolling papers

Do you roll your own cigarettes? In our online store, you'll find a wide range of rolling papers from the market's leading brands: OCB, OCB Premium, Rizla, Sensky, Job, Smoking and many others. Rolling papers in different formats: slim, regular, 1 1/4, transparent, flavored. Buy your cheap rolling papers on Mistersmoke!

Buy your rolling paper at the best price

Rolling papers: all types, all brands, all prices!

  • Rolling paper brands: nearly 20 rolling paper brands await you on the site. You'll find classics like OCB rolling papers, Smoking, Sensky, Rizla and Gizeh rolling papers, as well as Zig Zag and the legendary glue-free JOB rolling paper!
  • Rolling sheets: the must-have OCB slimJuicy Jays flavored rolls, Smoking Brown regular or Ragga colored sheets, ... Vary your pleasures and try out new papers for your rolled cigarettes.
  • Rolling paper prices : our prices are among the most competitive on the market. On Mistersmoke, you'll find Slim Sensky sheets for as little as 33 cents per Booklet ! All brands benefit from this insane price, since notebooks are often available individually or by the box: the more you buy, the lower the price!

Our secret? Our storage capacity, far greater than that of traditional tobacconists, which enables us to buy boxes of rolling papers at very competitive prices. Save money and buy your Smoking, Sensky, Raw, Gizeh and OCB rolling papers for less at Mistersmoke !

We remind you that the sale of blunt containing tobacco is not authorized on the internet, but only in tobacconists' shops. However, you can find pure hemp blunt on our website.

3 reasons why it's better to roll your own cigarettes

Still not sure about buying rolling papers? Here are 3 reasons why rolling your own cigarettes is so much better than buying them from a tobacconist:

  • The price, of course

You probably already know that making your own cigarettes is actually much cheaper than buying a pack of cigarettes at the tobacconist's.

To give you a concrete example, a pack of 20 Marlboro cigarettes at the tobacconist's costs €10.20.

When you roll your cigarette, you spend :

14.50€ for an 85g tin of Marlboro rolling tobacco. Knowing that one cigarette contains around 8 grams of tobacco, you'll be able to make around 100 cigarettes with your tin of rolling tobacco.

Even if you have to add the price of a pack of sheets and filters, you'll never reach the price of a pack.

For example, buying a pack of Sensky short rolling papers and a pack of foam filters of the same brand will cost you less than €1.50 for a hundred cigarettes.

Still in doubt? Don't wait any longer! You'll reduce your annual cigarette budget considerably.

  • You'll enjoy your cigarette longer

And yes, the rolling paper sold at Booklet burns much more slowly than the paper used for ready-made cigarettes! By smoking a roll, you'll enjoy your cigarette break and the flavors of your tobacco more slowly.

  • You can personalize your cigarette

By rolling your own cigarette, you can personalize it by choosing, for example, the thickness of the rolling paper, its size or its composition. You can also opt for the filter of your choice (foam or cardboard), but even more original: you can flavour it. There are flavored rolling papers or menthol cigarette balls that you insert directly into the foam filter for an inexpensive menthol cigarette!

How are rolling papers made?

Everything you need to know about the composition of rolling papers

Tout d'abord, il faut savoir que tous les papiers à rouler ne se valent pas en matière de qualité des matières premières employées. Nous allons vous révéler ci-dessous la manière dont sont fabriquées les feuilles à rouler et les différences de composition en fonction du type de feuille à rouler.

In France, rolling paper first appeared in the 18th century, but it existed long before that, since the very first rolling papers were produced in Spain around 1153.

La matière première utilisée autrefois dans la fabrication du papier à rouler était le riz. Ce dernier a été massivement utilisé jusqu'au 20ème Siècle. D'ailleurs, saviez-vous que le nom de la marque de feuilles à rouler Rizla tirait son nom de cette céréale ? Rizla est en effet la contraction de "Riz La Croix" Riz comme le composant principal du papier et Lacroix pour Léonide LaCroix, papetier inventeur de la marque originaire d'Angoulême.

Booklet rizla old cross

Progressivement, le papier de riz a laissé place au papier à base de fibres de bois. A ce jour, certaines marques continuent d'employer cette matière. C'est le cas notamment de la marque de feuilles JOB ou encore ZIG ZAG.

It's easy to recognize wood-fiber-based rolling papers by their thickness and extra-white color. However, this type of rolling paper is increasingly being abandoned, as the trend is towards extra-thin rolling papers that are easier to roll.

Today, many brands produce their rolling papers with hemp. Initially used for slim sheets and cones for Hookah seals, hemp is now used in all rolling papers and even cigarette filters.

The manufacturing process is simple: the hemp fibers contained in the cannabis plant are used to make the paper. The fibers contain no cannabinoids, so the paper is THC-free. Hemp rolling papers are appealing for their tastelessness and natural composition. Among the best-sellers is the OCB with organic hemp, available in both slim and short sheets.

Despite the different raw materials used, the manufacturing process remains more or less the same.

First, the fibers are harvested either from wood for wood-fiber paper or from hemp leaves. Next, the fibers are transformed into a kind of pulp that is dried and flattened to the desired thickness.

Once perfectly dry, the paper is cut into the desired shape and size. Early rolling papers were cut individually and sold in bulk. Today, they come in the form of Booklet , with several sheets and sometimes even integrated cardboard filters (toncars). Find out more about the different sizes of rolling papers on the market.

OCB rolling paper production

Archives; OCB rolling paper plant

Rolling sheet dimensions

Rolling sheet sizes

Regular or short leaf: This is the oldest format, measuring 70 x 36 mm. This is the standard format for rolling cigarettes. Among the most popular are the short OCB sheet, the short RAW sheet and the Sensky Regular.

The 1/4 sheet : Less common, this is the Spanish rolling sheet. Why this name? Because it's particularly popular in Spain. Its dimensions straddle the line between short and slim sheets.

La feuille slim ou King Size (longue) : Vous connaissez sans doute déjà la fameuse OCB slim ou la Sensky Slim ? Elle mesure 110 mm et est la feuille à rouler idéale pour rouler un joint de CBD ou un cône.

Pre-rolled cone: As its name suggests, the pre-rolled cone is a sheet that's already been rolled! All that's left to do is fill it. It's also practical for those who want a perfect cone without getting tired. Available in a range of formats, including the Cône XXL with its giant format ideal for parties.

Rolls: The advantage of rolls is that you can choose the length of your roll yourself. If you use several paper formats, rolls are the best option. The cardboard is generally equipped with a notched edge for easy cutting of the rolling paper.

Which rolling sheet to choose?

Now that you've been able to differentiate between the different sizes of cigarette paper, it's important to know about the different types of rolling papers, because there are lots of them, and it's not always easy to choose the right one for your needs.

Rolling papers with or without filters? White or brown? Which brand to choose? We'll try to answer all your questions as precisely as possible.

What's the best rolling sheet?

The best rolling paper brands are on Mistersmoke

OCB Slim

OCB : Undoubtedly one of the best-known rolling paper brands, not only in France but worldwide. O.C.B as in Odet-Cascadec-Bolloré.

Bolloré is the founder of the OCB brand, and his grandson, Vincent, developed the range by acquiring JOB and Zig Zag, among others, until it became the success it is today.

Today, Booklet OCB regular is still made in France at the Perpignan plant.

Booklet OCB slim is the best-selling paper in France. This black Booklet with the brand's emblematic logo contains a total of 32 very thin long sheets.

Gizeh Founded in Germany in the 1920s, GIZEH produces traditional cigarette papers. Discover the brand's best-seller: the ultra-thin Gizeh rolling paper, only 12g/m2 thick, with its Booklet magnetic closure.

raw rolling paper

RAW : La marque américaine emblématique de l'univers de fumeurs de weed. Fondée par l'original mais visionnaire Josh Kesselman, la marque RAW est spécialisée headshop. Lassé d'utiliser du papier à rouler blanchi qui entravait les saveurs de son herbe, Kesselman décide dans les années 90 de fabriquer le premier papier à rouler non blanchi et sans produits chimiques,

Si l'idée ne fait pas mouche auprès des investisseurs les premiers temps, elle deviendra par la suite extrêmement populaire grâce notamment à sa rencontre avec un papetier espagnol propriétaire d'une usine de production de feuilles à rouler. L'entente est rendez-vous et les deux hommes décident de s'associer. Le succès est immédiat, si bien que J.Kesselman créera par la suite les marques Elements ou Juicy Jay's.

Papier filigrané, fin mais résistant et surtout sans additifs chimique, le papier à rouler RAW séduit dorénavant tous les profils de fumeurs jusqu'à être le papier à rouler n°1 aux USA.

Sur notre boutique en ligne, retrouvez tous les produits RAW au meilleur prix comme la feuille RAW Black ou encore le cône pré roulé XXL RAW.

Advertising Rizla

Rizla Founded in 1796 by Léonide Lacroix, Rizla+ is one of France's oldest rolling paper mills. In fact, it was the originator of the first pocket rolling machine.

Rizla products have become a benchmark for roll smokers. Among the range, Rizla Micron is the most popular for its finesse and ease of rolling.


SMK - SMOKING Smoking-SMK rolling papers have been made in Spain since 1879. The brand is a great success with Spaniards and beyond. The Smoking range is one of the most varied on the market, meeting the needs of all smoker profiles.

They also offer several types of paper, from celullose to hemp and even corn paper. Smoking rolling papers are among the highest quality on the market.


feuille a rouler zig zag

Zig Zag Originating in Thonon-Les-Bains, France, the Zig Zag brand was founded in 1894. It is marketed worldwide and is recognizable by its "Le Zouave" logo. The brand owes its name to the founders' idea of interspersing the sheets in the Booklet for easier, more ergonomic distribution. Zig Zag is the ideal rolling paper for smokers looking for an extra-white, thick, slow-burning paper.


Drive at the best price, buy Sensky.

Discover SENSKY, the No. 1 French brand for low-cost cigarette papers. Sensky is a young, dynamic and innovative brand that has become a must-have for smokers in recent years. In addition to a wide range of rolling papers, Sensky also sells cigarette tubes, rollers and filters. Discover Sensky products now, you won't be disappointed!

Price comparison of Booklet rolling sheets

Here are just a few examples of the prices you'll find for rolling-leaf books at your local tobacconist's. We give you an average of the prices charged.


 Brands/ModelsCompetitor's average price Prices at Mistersmoke
Booklet of rolling sheets OCB SlimOCB Slim1,90€0,75€*
ocb short blackOCB Courte (regular)1,50€0,60€*
Sensky Regular0,75€0,72€*
Booklet slim ocb virgin paperOCB Slim Virgin (brown)1,70€0,40€*
feuille-a-rouler-ocb-bio-naturalOCB Organic short1,50€0,60€*
rizla micron slim BookletRizla+ Slim Micron1,70€0,72€*
rizla rolling sheet blueRizla+ Blue Regular1,50€0,85€*
Gizeh rolling papers extra slimGizeh extra slim1,90€0,58€*
short gizehShort Giza1,70€0,60€*
raw slimRAW slim1,90€1,09€*
sup'air job sheetJOB Sup'Air1,50€0,70€*
blue zig-zag leafZig Zag Bleu1,40€0,72€*
Tableau comparatif des tarifs de feuilles à rouler pratiqués en 2024

All our rolling sheet tips

roll a cigarette

How do you roll a cigarette?

You've bought your leaves, tobacco and filters but don't know how to roll your cigarette? Discover our advice and our tutorial on how to roll your own cigarettes.

see more
choosing a cigarette filter

Which cigarette filter to choose?

Between foam cigarette filters, toncars and plastic filters, it's not always easy to find your way around. We'll help you find the right cigarette filter for your needs.

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Toncar folding

Making a toncar : Our tips

How do you make a beautiful tonk for your cigarette or cone? There are several ways to roll a tonk. We tell you everything you need to know and how to fold your cardboard filters.

see more


Vous êtes un buraliste ou un professionnel (alimentation générale, détaillant ou autre commerçant) et souhaitez proposer ces produits à vos clients ? Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez acheter des Feuilles à rouler en gros. En effet, notre site Mistersmoke.com est fournisseur de produits pour fumeurs depuis 2007. Nous livrons dans toute la France (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, etc) en 24h express mais également en Europe (Belgique, Allemagne, Luxembourg, etc).

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