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The Bowls Mason "sold out" in a few minutes on Mistersmoke


Mason Shishaware: The Bowls Hookah that everyone is tearing off !

Straight from the United States, the Mason Shishaware brand has specialised in the artisanal production ofHookah Accessoriessince 2016. Focusing on the quality of the materials used, Mason Shishaware exclusively uses a high quality clay nicknamed "Shishaware" by the brand itself. What makes them special? In order to preserve the quality of its products, the American brand produces in limited quantities. The BowlsHookah Mason are luxury products that are very difficult to obtain and are selling out at record speeds!

The Bowl Grand Onyx Mason sold in a few minutes on Mistersmoke

Il y a quelques jours, notre boutique en ligne Mistersmoke.com a mis en vente une quantité ultra limitée du modèle de foyer Grand Onyx. Sans surprise, l’intégralité du stock s’est écoulé en moins de…15 mn! Restez à l’affût, de nouveaux modèles de foyers de la marque Mason Shishaware devraient prochainement être proposés à la vente sur notre site!


its peculiarities?

Ingeniously designed, this ingeniously designed Bowl is compatible with the Hookah Kaloud Lotus heating system, as well as the aluminum session / Provost AOT heating system thanks to its thin rim.

This Bowl is identical in dimensions to the first version of Bowl Onyx.

Now you understand why Mason Shishaware products are quite expensive.

Small recap of the products sold by the brand Mason Shishaware...

And to see (or to see again) the live Mistersmoke special "Sale of Bowls Mason" ...

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