All you need to know about the rolling sheet without additives

Why roll cigarettes on unbleached paper?

Depuis toujours et encore aujourd’hui, de nombreuses marques de papier à rouler et même les plus célèbres comme OCB, utilisent des additifs nocifs pour l’environnement dans la fabrication de leur papier à rouler.  Ces additifs servent quasi exclusivement à faciliter la combustion des cigarettes mais sont assez décriés ces dernières années pour, notamment, leur effet polluant. A ces additifs viennent s’ajouter le chlore, servant à blanchir le papier à rouler.

A less harmful, but no less qualitative rolling paper!

De nombreuses marques se sont alors lancées dans la fabrication de papier à rouler non blanchi, plus écolo mais conservant toutes leur qualité, notamment la finesse et la transparence. Mais de quoi se composent ces feuilles à rouler sans additifs? Contrairement à une feuille “classique”, ces dernières ne contiennent pas de cellulose. Le papier est fabriqué à partir de nombreuses matières moins toxiques et souvent bio-dégradables. On y retrouve notamment du chanvre comme dans les feuilles OCB au chanvre Bio. Elles peuvent également être conçues à base de papier de riz comme les feuilles à rouler de la célèbre marque RIZLA ou même à base de bambou! Nouvellement arrivées sur le marché, les feuilles à rouler Rizla Bambou sont d’une qualité remarquable!

All unbleached with chlorine, these rolling leaf books contain natural, non-harmful gum arabic that does not alter the taste and all the flavours of your tobacco. By choosing to roll unbleached, you'll still enjoy your cigarette, but you're doing something extra for the environment.

Slim sheets or short sheets, all brands of organic rolling papers offer a wide range to suit all smoking profiles. The regulars of the OCB slim sheet can find the natural declination with the OCB Bio. Small budgets will be surprised by the excellent quality/price ratio of SENSKY Origins sheets.

Our range of natural rolling papers

rolling sheet sensky origins

Sensky slim Origins + tips

The unbleached slim sheet with cardboard! 

It's hard to beat the price/quality ratio! The Sensky slim Origins + tips sheet is a Booklet containing a total of 32 natural slim rolling sheets and 32 cardboard filters. Enjoy a rolling paper with an incredible fineness of 14g/m2.
The paper is guaranteed to be free of chemical additives and is made from environmentally friendly natural fibres.

The Sensky Origins is available in a classic slim Booklet , in a "regular" short format and in rolls!

Booklet slim ocb virgin paper


When the most famous brand of rolling papers goes green...

We all know the best selling rolling paper, the OCB Slim. This long sheet is also available in a more natural version, recognizable by its brown colour! It retains all its characteristics, i.e. an extreme fineness (13g/m2), a watermarked transparent rolling paper and a French manufacture! In short, premium quality.

Discover also the OCB Virgin in sheet version + tips on our online shop Mistersmoke.

ocb leaf organic hemp


No cellulose, but a 100% organic hemp leaf.

The brand OCB proposes its first Booklet whose pure paper sheet is entirely made from unbleached organic hemp and whose gum arabic is 100% natural . Available in Booklet in short or long sheets!

roll wide slim greengo natural


The natural rolling sheet in ROLLS roll format! 

For all smokers who like to cut their rolling papers to the length they want, GREENGO has thought of everything! In addition to its practical "rolls" format, the GREENGO Rolls are unbleached, healthy and environmentally friendly, all at a low price! No less than 4 metres of rolling paper with a perfect weight of 14g/m2. The brand has even been awarded at the European Product Awards for the quality of its paper design!



Unprocessed raw paper

The brown colour of the Raw slim rolling paper is not the result of dyeing but of the natural colour of the paper. The RAW rolling paper brand offers a whole range of raw rolling paper, i.e. unprocessed and not bleached with chlorine. The Booklet RAW slim with cardboard is very practical for everyday use as it contains, in addition to the 32 long slim rolling papers, a set of 32 cardboard filter tips.


And as for cigarette filters...

Rolling paper brands have not only produced natural rolling paper! They offer a complete range to enable smokers to roll completely unbleached. In our online shop you will find a large selection of cigarette filters made of foam or cardboard (toncars), which are also made from environmentally friendly, vegetable-based materials.

TOP SELLERS of organic cigarette filters

Cardboard filters

Smoking Brown Filters

18 avis
4.83333333333333333333333 out of 5

Cardboard filters

Filter tips Sensky Origins

5 avis
4.2 out of 5

Cardboard filters

Greengo cardboard filters

0 avis
0 sur 5
16 avis
4.75 out of 5
4 avis
4.75 out of 5
8 avis
4.75 out of 5
3 avis
5 out of 5

Foam filters

OCB Bio filter

22 avis
4.90909090909 out of 5

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