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PUFF: All about this new disposable cigarette


But what is a Puff cigarette?

> A mix between Hookahand Hookah, disposable and recyclable

Un vent de renouveau souffle sur l’univers de la chicha en cette fin d’année ! La PUFF est une petite révolution dont les avantages sont nombreux et ne laisseront pas indifférents les fumeurs de narguilé. Véritable phénomène de ce début d’année, la e-cigarette PUFF connait un véritable engouement mais suscite également la curiosité de certains fumeurs de chicha ou de cigarette. Afin d’y voir plus clair et de comprendre le fonctionnement de ce petit accessoire, Mistersmoke vous explique tout ! C’est quoi une puff ? Est-ce dangereux ? Ou encore, contient-elle de la nicotine ? Visionnez la vidéo ci-dessous pour en savoir plus !

In concrete terms, what is a disposable e-Hookah? Unlike an Hookahelectronic cigarette (such as the famous Hooky for example) or an electronic cigarette, the disposableHookahelectronic cigarette is, as its name indicates, disposable! Already filled, it is not designed to be recharged. But what else does it have? The Hookah disposable puff has a very practical format: it is smaller than a pen! It is not for nothing that it is also nicknamed "pen Hookah". Ultra light, easy to hold, it fits in your pocket and is discreet. All-in-one pod, the Wpuff Liquideo is composed of a battery with a power of 600 mAh with integrated e-liquid tank. An e-Hookahdisposable ready to use but also very easy to use. You will not find any buttons. The suction is enough to activate its battery and to heat the e-liquid. The liquid then evaporates into a vapour which is then inhaled. Unlike cigarettes, there is no combustion and therefore no production of harmful and toxic substances.

Disposable Puff Cigarette: The taste of Hookaheasy to carry!

The disposable puff offers a taste that seems to be at Hookah. You can find your favourite tobacco flavours at Hookahin the disposable puff range! Fruity, gourmand or mentholated flavours and a smoke just as abundant as a real traditional Hookah! Indeed, just like some disposable electronic cigarette e-liquids, the one contained in the Wpuff contains no less than 70% propylene glycol. This concentration guarantees a maximum smoke cloud. Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine (mentioned in pg/vg) are essential in the composition of the e-liquid to ensure a dense and white smoke and to give intense flavours. These substances, if used in the context of normal consumption, are not toxic to the body. Propylene glycol is a member of the alcohol family. It is not uncommon to find it in many food preparations as a preservative.

Disposable vape pen available with or without nicotine

Particularly safe, the disposable e-chichas sold on our online shop contain e-liquids with patented formulations containing 100% ingredients of natural origin. Good news for smokers of Hookahused to tobacco-free substitutes, there is the disposable Hookahwithout nicotine! For the others, don't panic, several nicotine levels are available.

Ces puff à la fois cigarette électronique et chicha électronique sont disponibles dans une large palette de saveurs différentes et originales. Parmi les goûts des puff, on retrouve des classiques comme raisin glacé, fruits rouges ou encore l’exotique Ananas Coconut. Et du côté des plus originaux, parmi ceux considérés comme les meilleurs goûts des puff (par les clients), on retrouve les classiques fruits rouges ou menthe, mais aussi des saveurs plus originales comme fruits du dragon ou Gummy Bear au délicieux parfum de bonbons oursons.


The PUFF cigarette: an economical solution for cigarette smokers

L’atout majeur et qui séduit bon nombre de fumeurs de cigarettes est incontestablement son prix ! Très économiques, les cigarettes électroniques jetables reviennent en moyenne 3 fois moins cher que vos paquets de cigarettes classiques vendues chez le buraliste. Le pod jetable offre de 600 bouffées ( l’équivalent d’environ 2 paquets de cigarettes) à 9000 bouffées pour la Puff Tornado et même 10000 voire 15 000 taff pour certains modèles.

Grâce à la présence de sel de nicotine dans certaines Puff, vous avez la même satisfaction qu’une bouffée de cigarette de tabac. Cependant, contrairement à une cigarette, vous n’avez pas les odeurs désagréables sur la peau et les vêtements ni de goudron ou de composant cancérigène. Bref, un très bon compromis plus sain et à petit prix !

nicotine salt

> What is nicotine salt?

The e-liquids in Liquideo puffs, for example, are all composed of nicotine salts (for models with nicotine).

Nicotine salt is theclosest thing to nicotine in its natural state. When vaping, you feel very similar to a cigarette. Unlike a traditional e-liquid, nicotine salt liquid prevents excessive vaping by satisfying your nicotine needs. It is extremely interesting in the case of withdrawal from tobacco (conventional cigarettes) but also to intensive vapoteurs wishing to reduce their consumption. But its major advantage is probably its sweetness! Indeed, the nicotine salt allows to obtain a much softer "hit" when the steam passes through the throat. This type of liquid is therefore suitable for heavy smokers as well as beginners or occasional vapers.


Puff CBD: The benefits of cannabidiol in a disposable vape

With CBD Puff, you can enjoy therelaxing effect of CBD in a ready-to-use disposable vape.

Just like a classic disposable puff, the disposable cbd puff is very easy to use and requires no handling. It doesn't need to be refilled or refilled with CBD, has no buttons (automatic ignition on inhalation) and is discarded once empty.

CBD Puff is an excellent alternative for consuming THC-free cannabis wherever you want, without any constraints.

In summary, the benefits of PUFF are numerous:

    • Easy to use: No buttons, no filling, no parts to replace.
    • Costs less than regular cigarettes or a pack of tobacco at Hookah. A pen Hookahis on average 600 puffs!
    • A practical format: Can be carried everywhere, fits in your pocket or bag.
    • No unpleasant odours: Unlike a standard cigarette, the Puff does not leave unpleasant odours on the skin and clothes
    • No harmful substances, no nicotine for 0% models
    • Intense flavours and a dense, white steam, similar to that of a Hookah.

So what are you waiting for?

The best brands of Puff

Puff price

 liquideo wpuffpuff 7000 nicotine tornado Puff 9000 taff Tornado RandM is available in several flavors on Mistersmoke. puff cbdpuff 9000 sans nicotine mega puff 10000 bouffées puff 15000 taff tornado sans nicotine fraise raisin
BrandLiquideo - WpuffTornado 7000 Puff Tornado RandMPuff CBD TengramsPuff Aroma King LordPuff 15000 Tornado
Number of puffs6007000 90008009000 1000015000
Percentage of nicotine0% - 0,9% - 1,7%2% 0%0% nicotine - 3% ou 8% de nicotine0% 0%0%
Price per unit6,90€16,90€ 17,90€13,90€17,90€ 19,90€19,90€
Batch prices39.50€ for 6- 90€ les 6-90€ les 6 90€ les 679,60€ les 5

WPUFF Liquideo A disposable cigarette 100% made in France! The Puff by Liquideo is THE reference in disposable vape! It offers excellent value for money and comes in several nicotine levels: 0% (without nicotine), 0.9% and 1.7%.

AROMA KING The puff range of the Aroma King brand is nicotine free! A wide range of particularly intense flavours in a compact and ergonomic format. In total, nearly 15 flavors offered and no less than 700 puffs!

DUM PUFF Well established in the world of Hookah, it is therefore quite natural that the Belgian brand has launched into the disposable electronic Hookah. The DUM Puff disposable is no less than 600 highly fruity puffs, without nicotine salts.

FLAWOOR Flawoor Mate is a French disposable e-cigarette brand specialising in the field of vape. Offering a high quality vape, the Flawoor brand makes it a point of honour to guarantee rich and powerful flavours. Available in 3 nicotine levels: 00 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg.

Where to buy disposable Puff?

Notre boutique en ligne vous propose les célèbres Wpuff de Liquideo pas cher à l’unité ou même en lot pour encore plus d’économies. Vous trouverez un large choix parmi les meilleures marques de vapes jetables : Ma petite vape, la Puff 9000 Tornado, ou encore Aroma KING en vente à l’unité ou en lot au meilleur prix.

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