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Hookah : All you need to know about Russian prep

Tuto: How to succeed in Hookah with a Russian preparation?

In recent years, Eastern European countries, mainly Russia and Ukraine, have been somewhat disruptive to the world of Hookah. Russia, is historically and culturally close to Turkey, the cradle of Hookah. It is therefore quite natural that this practice has found its way into the neighbouring countries of the Middle East.

Numerous brands have established themselves on the hookah market, including Japona Hookah, Oblako and Solaris, with its original Bowls specially designed for Heat Management Device Hookah Kaloud.

In addition to perfect design and innovative materials, the revolutionary technology of the Russian chichas has truly contributed to their deserved success.

In the same way as coffee, where there are as many types of preparation as there are countries, Hookah is not prepared in the same way in Russia, Brazil or even Germany. The Russian preparation has its own specificities and some key elements to be respected to be perfectly successful. Discover below the elementary rules to be respected in order to be sure to succeed in your preparation for the "Russian".

Don't you want to read it all?

Click here to see the video tutorial on Russian prep school

Rule n°1 : A Russian prep is done with a Bowl... Russian !

We prefer a Russian-style Bowl . Through the impressive quantity of Bowls models present on the market, Eastern European countries really stand out from their competitors by the originality of their models. Solaris or Oblako, we bet on quality brands. We opt for a Bowlin deep terracotta to allow the addition of a large quantity of tobacco.

We do not hesitate to put 15g to 20g of tobacco depending on the model of Bowl.

Rule #2: Tobacco at Hookah black or nothing.

All hookah lovers will agree on one thing: a Russian prep is above all a story of black tobacco. So forget about Ice frutz substitutes, steam stones or other Cloud One!

Stronger in nicotine than blond tobacco, black tobacco has a very powerful mouth and throat sensation (also called a "hit") that is not suitable for all smokers.

Among the tobaccos recommended and the most used in this type of preparation, we find of course the tobacco at Hookah Russian Darkside, or the American Tangiers and Azure Tobacco.

Certains parfums de la marque de tabac Aqua Mentha sont également intéressants. Plus capricieux avec les fortes chauffes, ce tabac à chicha demandera une certaine maitrise afin d’éviter tous risque de surchauffe et de goût de brûlé.

Les Russes sont également particulièrement friands des sessions “Overpacking”, cette méthode qui consiste à mettre le goût directement au contact du système de chauffe associé à une très forte chauffe. Attention ! Cette méthode demande une très bonne maitrise du Kaloud sous peine de brûler votre tabac et de gâcher votre session.

Rule #3: Use a Heat Management Device Kaloud

Very common in Eastern Europe, the Heat Management Device " Kaloud Lotus " is the essential accessory for a successful "Russian" preparation. You can choose between the original Kaloud Lotus, the Heat Management Device Skull Power for small budgets or the Tsar Booster.

Particularly fond of Overparking sessions, smokers from Russia or Ukraine like powerful and pronounced flavours. They do not hesitate then to put up to 4 cubes of natural charcoal like Cocobrico or King Coco.

The Russian prep: The complete tutorial in video

Our packs Hookah Russian

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