How to light coal Hookah ?

Because a good Hookah necessarily starts with a well-lit coal! We thought it would be useful to make a page of advice dedicated to the lighting of the coal Hookah.

Choosing your coal is an essential step for the success of your preparation Hookah. We will therefore start by quickly explaining the two categories of coals Hookah sold on the market.
Don't hesitate to use the following advice page to help you choose the right charcoal for your use Hookah >

The 2 types of coal Hookah

The self-igniting coal

Also known as self-combustible or self-flammable coals, self-igniting co als are a classic coal known for its rapid combustion. It is made up of a first layer, known as the surface layer, which ignites in a few seconds on contact with a flame. Self-igniting coals provide a regular combustion of 30 minutes.

Market references: Three kings, Instant Lite or Carbopol coals.

Natural coal

Natural co als are coals made from wood, bamboo, olive stones or coconut shells. Natural coals are known to offer a longer and more intense heat than self-igniting coals. They do not give off any odour, smoke or taste.
There are many types of natural coals on the market. They differ in shape (pellet, flat, cube, triangular for Kaloud, etc.) but also in carbon content. The higher the carbon content of a coal, the longer it lasts and the more heat it provides. Similarly, the larger the coal's cut, the more heat it will provide over a longer period.

The market references: Fresh Coco charcoals of course! Not forgetting the brands Tom Coco, Tom Cococha and Cocobrico.

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Lighting the coals Hookah

Let's move on to the crucial step of igniting your coals Hookah. A step that should not be neglected. The preparation of your Hookah and especially the lighting of the coals will determine the success or otherwise of your session Hookah.

How do you light natural coal?

Unlike self-igniting coals, natural coals cannot be lit with a simple lighter. They have to be heated with a specific device. There are several techniques to light your natural charcoal:

Coal heater electric

TheCoal heater with gas

TheCoal heater is the ideal accessory for lighting your natural coals outdoors. It does not require an electrical outlet nearby but does require a gas cartridge to operate. Compact and light, it is easy to carry. How to use it? Open the gas canister and set the flame to maximum. Then put your coals on and leave them until they turn bright red.

Coal heater tsar  power

The electric plate or Coal heater electric

L’Coal heater Tsar The spiral lighter is an electrical accessory that allows you to quickly bring natural coals to incandescence. Thespiral charcoal lighter is equipped with a thermostat that allows you to adjust the power. How to use it? Simply set the thermostat of your hob to maximum power and place your natural coals on the resistance. Wait 3 minutes and do the same with the other side of the coal. After 3 minutes on each side, your charcoal will have a perfect combustion and will offer an intense and long heating.

How do I light a self-igniting coal?

Simply pick up the charcoal with tongs and place it near the flame of a torch or storm lighter or match until it begins to crackle and smoke. Wait until the charcoal is completely covered with a layer of ash (10-30 seconds). If necessary, blow on the charcoal until the whole piece is bright red.
Tip: for better combustion, remember to turn the charcoal on its side and move it regularly.

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Tip: To ensure better heat distribution, there are a number of accessories that regulate the heat. The Kaloud Lotus for example. It allows the insertion of 1 to 4 natural coals and provides incomparable heating power compared to the use of aluminium foil.

Our other tips on Hookah

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MisterSmoke : Your coal wholesaler

Mistersmoke, your coal wholesaler at Hookah. Take advantage of the best prices on the purchase of charcoal among the biggest brands: King Coco, Fresh Coco or Tom Cococha, the star products for a successful Hookah .

Our online shop for private individuals and professionals is specialized in wholesale and destocking of articles for Hookah.